Kenya Airways plane crashes
The following are significant events involving the airline or its subsidiares. The numbered events are those involving at least one airline passenger death where the aircraft flight had a direct or indirect role, and where at least one of the dead passengers was not a stowaway, hijacker, or saboteur. The airline began operations in 1977.
- 30 January 2000; Kenya Airways A310-300; near Abidjan, Ivory Coast: The aircraft crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after taking off at night for a flight from Abidjan to Lagos, Nigeria.
All 11 crew members and 158 of the 168 passengers were killed.
A310 plane crashes
News Reports
BBC Online: Various perspectives on aviation safety 4 February 2000
BBC Online report 5 February 2000 - 5 May 2007; Kenya Airways 737-800; near Douala, Cameroon:
The aircraft crashed into a swampy area about 12 miles (20 km) south of Douala, Cameroon soon after takeoff for a scheduled international flight from Douala, Cameroon to Nairobi, Kenya.
The aircraft departed just after midnight local time and the aircraft sent at least one communication to the control tower prior to the crash.
All nine crew members and 105 passengers were killed.
737 plane crashes
Plane crashes by model
Crash rates by model
Kenya Airways plane crashes -- Revised: 27 January 2017 -- Revised: 27 January 2017