Cebu Pacific Air plane crashes

The following events are those involving at least one passenger death where the aircraft flight had a direct or indirect role. Excluded would be events where the only passengers killed were stowaways, hijackers, or saboteurs. The airline began operations in 1996.

  1. 2 February 1998; Cebu Pacific Air DC9-32; RP-C1507; flight 387; near Claveria, Philippines: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Tacloban to Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. During descent, the aircraft crashed about 150 feet (93 m) from the top of Mt. Sumagaya. All five crew members and 99 passengers were killed. The accident occurred during daylight and in cloudy conditions.
    DC9 plane crashes

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Cebu Pacific Air plane crashes -- Revised: 17 July 2015