Donate to the Foundation

Why donate to the Foundation?
We understand that you work hard for your money and that you cannot give to every organization that you come across. Therefore, we think that it is important that instead of just asking you for donations, we provide you with some reasons why you should donate that will also tell you more about how your money will be spent.

Your donations keep this organization up and running
Like every other nonprofit organization, we have costs, like operating this web site, that we need to pay in order to stay in operation.

Your donations fund several initiatives
Supporting the podcast The Conversation at and funding engineering scholarships are just two of ongoing projects of the Foundation. Your donations can keep these initiatives going and to fund new ones.

Your donations are tax deductible
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so you are able to deduct your contributions to the organization.

Donate Using PayPal
Use the PayPal using the icon at the left. You do not need to have a PayPal account, and you can also use a credit card.

Mail a Check
Please make out your checks to "The Foundation" and send them to the following address:

The Foundation
24 Roy St., #302 Seattle, WA 98109

About the Foundation
The Foundation was created in December 2003 as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington, was organized exclusively educational purposes. It was designated a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS in July 2004. The Foundation accomplishes its goals through several projects or initiatives, including the support of the podcast The Conversation at, the online complaint system, and support of other initiatives such as the Young Eagles program that gives interested young people a chance to fly in a general aviation airplane.

Donate $10 a Month

Donate $100 a Month

Donate $1000 a Month

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